Bibliografia & Link Utili

Bibliografia Consigliata

Una lista completa di tutti i riferimenti bibliografici relativi alla letteratura nel campo della System Dynamics è mantenuta dalla Society al seguente link:

Tale bibliografia è aggiornata periodicamente (di norma su base annuale) e gli ultimi aggiornamenti vengono tracciati dalla Society al seguente link:

Tale bibliografia è ovviamente primariamente in lingua inglese, per cui vi esortiamo, al fine di definire una Bibliografia di letteratura SD in Italiano, a segnalarci tutti i contributi che riterrete opportuni.

Per informazioni sul formato tramite cui segnalarci tali referenze, vi suggeriamo di riferirvi alla seguente policy della Society:

Please be careful to provide a complete citation, including full names of all authors; title; year of publication; start and end page numbers; publishers, city and the ISBN for books; journal title (no abbreviations), volume, issue number and ISSN for journal articles; book title and full name of all editors for edited books or book sections; location for conferences; degree level and university for theses; computer and operating system type for software; medium type for A/V materials; and institution, report type and report number for technical reports. Key words not included in the title should also be supplied, as well as notes on availability or other information for use in locating a reference. Translations will be appreciated for non-English entries, along with transliterations for those not in western alphabets. Submissions should be done electronically, if possible. Please check here for detailed information.

Ed alle info riportate ai seguenti link:

Link utili

K – 12 Education: Creative Learning Exchange 

Jay Forrester: “strategy+business” magazine article “The Prophet of Unintended Consequences” by Lawrence M. Fisher. For access, one must register with email address, a password, and name.

Oral History of the SD Society:

Policy Informatics Network

System Dynamics Lab at Virginia Tech Tutorials

Tom Fiddaman’s Model Library

Videos of Historic Interest: All videos can be found at